Training resources to clone and compare to for the Leeds Business School
Built with Task Builder 2
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Questionnaire Builder 2
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Questionnaire Builder 2
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Task Builder 2
Two persons want to invest in one big project, but their actions will have an impact on each other's gains.
The investors are based in two different cities and cannot talk to each other. One investor does not know what the other investor is doing, whether they are investing now or waiting to invest later.
Based on the actions taken by the two investors, the gains for them will look like this:
If one investor invests and the other waits, the one waiting loses £10k and the investor gets their money back.
If both invest, they each lose £4k.
If both wait, they each lose £2k.
So, to invest or wait is the prisoners’ dilemma - business version.
You will have a series of trials - you get chances to invest a lot - and for each one have to decide whether to invest or to wait.
You will get feedback after each trial.
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Task Builder 2
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