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Testing Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task

Testing script from

Vékony, T. (2021). Alternating Serial Reaction Time Task created with jsPsych (Version 1.0.0) [Computer software]. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7124730

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Testing Alternating Serial Reaction Time (ASRT) task

Built with Code Editor

I would like to ask for advice regarding a custom jsPsych plugin for a serial reaction time task, that was created by @vekteo, and is available in Gorilla, where the code can be edited and tested.

By default, trials are self-paced, but I would need them to time out after 2,000 ms. I am struggling to achieve this, and would be very grateful if someone could please advise me a bit.

First, I tried setting trial duration using the parameters provisioned in the original code, specifically in the groupStart.trial_duration property in the main script. Unfortunately, this does not work. Next, I have focussed on the the script jspsych-serial-reaction-time, which contains the core plugin for the task. Please find this script below.

In this plugin, trials are finished using the custom function endTrial, which gathers important data before calling jsPsych.finishTrial(trial_data). In the plugin below, endTrial is used successfully to finish trials after a response. However, I wonder how this function could be repurposed to end trials after 2,000 ms.

 * jspsych-serial-reaction-time
 * Josh de Leeuw
 * plugin for running a serial reaction time task
 * documentation: docs.jspsych.org

jsPsych.plugins["serial-reaction-time"] = (function() {

  var plugin = {};

  plugin.info = {
    name: 'serial-reaction-time',
    description: '',
    parameters: {
      grid: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL,
        pretty_name: 'Grid',
        array: true,
        default: [[1,1,1,1]],
        description: 'This array represents the grid of boxes shown on the screen.'
      target: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Target',
        array: true,
        default: undefined,
        description: 'The location of the target. The array should be the [row, column] of the target.'
      choices: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE,
        pretty_name: 'Choices',
        array: true,
        default: [['3','5','7','9']],
        description: ' Each entry in this array is the key that should be pressed for that corresponding location in the grid.'
      grid_square_size: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Grid square size',
        default: 100,
        description: 'The width and height in pixels of each square in the grid.'
      target_color: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
        pretty_name: 'Target color',
        default: "url(static/images/cat.jpg)",
        description: 'The color of the target square.'
      response_ends_trial: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL,
        pretty_name: 'Response ends trial',
        default: true,
        description: 'If true, trial ends when user makes a response.'
      pre_target_duration: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Pre-target duration',
        default: 0,
        description: 'The number of milliseconds to display the grid before the target changes color.'
      trial_duration: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Trial duration',
        default: null,
        description: 'How long to show the trial.'
      show_response_feedback: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL,
        pretty_name: 'Show response feedback',
        default: false,
        description: 'If true, show feedback indicating where the user responded and whether it was correct.'
      feedback_duration: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Feedback duration',
        default: 200,
        description: 'The length of time in milliseconds to show the feedback.'
      fade_duration: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT,
        pretty_name: 'Fade duration',
        default: null,
        description: 'If a positive number, the target will progressively change color at the start of the trial, with the transition lasting this many milliseconds.'
      prompt: {
        type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING,
        pretty_name: 'Prompt',
        default: null,
        no_function: false,
        description: ' Any content here will be displayed below the stimulus.'

  plugin.trial = function(display_element, trial) {

    // create a flattened version of the choices array
    var flat_choices = jsPsych.utils.flatten(trial.choices);
    while(flat_choices.indexOf('') > -1){

    // display stimulus
    var stimulus = this.stimulus(trial.grid, trial.grid_square_size);
    display_element.innerHTML = stimulus;

		if(trial.pre_target_duration <= 0){
		} else {
			}, trial.pre_target_duration);

		//show prompt if there is one
    if (trial.prompt !== null) {
      display_element.innerHTML += trial.prompt;

		var keyboardListener = {};

    var response = {
      rt: null,
      key: false,
      correct: false

		function showTarget(){
      if(trial.fade_duration == null){
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+trial.target[0]+'-'+trial.target[1]).style.background = trial.target_color;
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+trial.target[0]+'-'+trial.target[1]).style.backgroundSize = "contain";
      } else {
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+trial.target[0]+'-'+trial.target[1]).style.transition = "background-image "+trial.fade_duration;
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+trial.target[0]+'-'+trial.target[1]).style.background = trial.target_color;
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+trial.target[0]+'-'+trial.target[1]).style.backgroundSize = "contain";

			keyboardListener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({
        callback_function: after_response,
        valid_responses: flat_choices,
        allow_held_key: false

			if(trial.trial_duration > null){
				jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(showFeedback, trial.trial_duration);


    function showFeedback() {
      if(response.rt == null || trial.show_response_feedback == false){
      } else {
        var color = response.correct ? '#0f0' : '#f00';
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+response.responseLoc[0]+'-'+response.responseLoc[1]).style.transition = "";
        display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-'+response.responseLoc[0]+'-'+response.responseLoc[1]).style.backgroundColor = color;
        jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(endTrial, trial.feedback_duration);

    function endTrial() {

      // kill any remaining setTimeout handlers

      // kill keyboard listeners
      if (typeof keyboardListener !== 'undefined') {

      // gather the data to store for the trial
      var trial_data = {
        "rt": response.rt,
        "key_press": response.key,
				"correct": response.correct,
				"grid": JSON.stringify(trial.grid),
				"target": JSON.stringify(trial.target)

      // clear the display
      display_element.innerHTML = '';

      // move on to the next trial


    // function to handle responses by the subject
    function after_response(info) {

			// only record first response
      response = response.rt == null ? info : response;

			// check if the response is correct
			var responseLoc = [];
			for(var i=0; i<trial.choices.length; i++){
				for(var j=0; j<trial.choices[i].length; j++){
					var t = typeof trial.choices[i][j] == 'string' ? jsPsych.pluginAPI.convertKeyCharacterToKeyCode(trial.choices[i][j]) : trial.choices[i][j];
					if(info.key == t){
						responseLoc = [i,j];
      response.responseLoc = responseLoc;
			response.correct = (JSON.stringify(responseLoc) == JSON.stringify(trial.target));

			if (trial.response_ends_trial) {
        if (trial.show_response_feedback){
  			} else {


  plugin.stimulus = function(grid, square_size, target, target_color, labels) {
    var stimulus = "<div id='jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus' style='margin:auto; display: table; table-layout: fixed; border-spacing:"+square_size/4+"px'>";
    for(var i=0; i<grid.length; i++){
      stimulus += "<div class='jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-row' style='display:table-row;'>";
      for(var j=0; j<grid[i].length; j++){
        stimulus += "<div class='jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell' id='jspsych-serial-reaction-time-stimulus-cell-"+i+"-"+j+"' "+
         "style='width:"+square_size+"px; height:"+square_size+"px; border-radius: 100px; display:table-cell; vertical-align:middle; text-align: center; font-size:"+square_size/2+"px;";
        if(grid[i][j] == 1){
          stimulus += "border: 2px solid black;"
        if(typeof target !== 'undefined' && target[0] == i && target[1] == j){
          stimulus += "background-image: "+target_color+";"
        stimulus += "'>";
        if(typeof labels !=='undefined' && labels[i][j] !== false){
          stimulus += labels[i][j]
        stimulus += "</div>";
      stimulus += "</div>";
    stimulus += "</div>";

    return stimulus

  return plugin;

Thank you very much

I've also asked this question at https://github.com/jspsych/jsPsych/discussions/3223 and at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77876370/how-to-end-trial-in-jspsych-after-timeout. As soon as solution arises, I will provide the link to the solution on all sites.

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Published on 25 January 2024