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The Web-based Open-access Reliable Decision on Synonyms (WORDS) English Vocabulary Test

These materials were used in the newly developed 30-item Web-based Open-access Reliable Decision on Synonyms (WORDS) English Vocabulary Test. Participants read a target word and selected a (near-)synonym from among three semantically unrelated foils within 10 seconds. Based on the accuracy data from 121 British English native speakers (with at least 20 participants in each of the six age bands: 18-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, and 70-79), we confirmed that this 30-item vocabulary test had a good reliability (Cronbach’s α = 0.82). Moreover, our data were consistent with numerous prior studies by showing that (1) responses were more accurate and quicker for more frequent compared to less frequent words, and that (2) older participants showed greater vocabulary knowledge (indicated by higher accuracy) compared to younger participants. The test was preregistered before data collection and took on average 4 minutes (5 minutes 40 seconds including the consent/demographics/debriefing forms) to complete.

Please see our peer-reviewed article for more details about the development of this test: https://doi.org/10.5334/joc.391

All materials, data, and analysis scripts are available here: https://osf.io/mgsdq/

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Full Experiment of the WORDS English Vocabulary Test

Built with Experiment

This is the full experiment of the WORDS English Vocabulary Test. It begins with an Information Sheet, a Consent Form, and a Demographic Questionnaire. Following these are the vocabulary test and four final questions about cheating, answering strategy, and participant's experience during the experiment. The entire experiment takes on average 5 minutes 40 seconds to complete.

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The WORDS English Vocabulary Test

Built with Task Builder 1

This is the WORDS English Vocabulary Test in which participants are asked to click on the word that is closest in meaning (i.e., the synonym) to each target word from among four options within 10 seconds. The entire test includes 30 critical trials and 5 attention check trials and takes on average 4 minutes to complete.

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Demographic Questionnaire

Built with Questionnaire Builder 1

This is the demographic questionnaire used in the WORDS English Vocabulary Test, which includes several questions about participants (e.g., gender, age, first/dominant language, bi-/multilingualism, highest education level, visual/cognitive/language-related impairment).

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Debriefing Form

Built with Questionnaire Builder 1

This questionnaire includes four final questions about cheating, answering strategy, and participant's experience during the WORDS English Vocabulary Test.

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)


Fully open! Access by URL and searchable from the Open Materials search page

Preferred Citation Chen, P.-H., Hulme, R. C., Blott, L. M., & Rodd, J. M. (2024). The Web-based Open-access Reliable Decision on Synonyms (WORDS) English Vocabulary Test. Journal of Cognition, 7(1): 64, pp. 1–14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/joc.391
Conducted at University College London
Published on 07 March 2024
Corresponding author Po-Heng Chen PhD Student
Experimental Psychology
University College London

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