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Lexicosemantic Judgement Task

L2 learners' automatized phonological vocabulary knowledge is measured via this task. Participants will lieten to 160 sentences which includes target words. Their job is to make instant judgements of the appropriateness of the word in the sentences.

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Lexicosemantic judgement task.English.ver

Built with Task Builder 1

Gorilla Open Materials Attribution-NonCommerical Research-Only

Lexicosemantic judgement task.Japanese.ver

Built with Task Builder 1

Instructions are all written in Japanese. The number of items and design are identical to the English version.

Gorilla Open Materials Attribution-NonCommerical Research-Only


Fully open! Access by URL and searchable from the Open Materials search page

Preferred Citation Unichara et al. (under review)
Saito et al. (under review)

Conducted at University College London
Tohoku University
Published on 18 August 2023