Built with Task Builder 1
Here, we provide a list of stimuli used in the memory test.
In the memory test, each trial began with a screen reading “Please click to indicate whether you saw the following image in the advertising breaks.” Participants had to press a “ready” button in the middle of the screen to begin the trial, forcing their mouse to always start from the same location. The subsequent screen showed a still image in the middle of the screen as well as two response buttons in the bottom corners of the screen. The image came from one of four conditions: i) a still frame image from an advert seen previously (i.e., critical_still), ii) the brand image from an advert seen previously (i.e., critical_logo), iii) an still frame image from a similar, but unseen, advert (i.e., a foil_still), and iv) the brand image from a similar, but unseen, advert (i.e., a foil_logo). The participant clicked on the appropriate response button to indicate whether they had seen the image previously (“yes”) or not (“no”). Images appeared one at a time, in a random order. In addition to recording accuracy and reaction times, this experiment used mouse tracking to record the trajectory of the response from the initial “ready” button to the final response button.
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