Built with Experiment
This experiment consists of two phases and compares participants subject to subject between two conditional groups to find if searching the Internet to answer questions inflates participants' perceived ability to answer other questions about entirely different topics. The first conditional group is called the Internet group which encourages participants to look up answers to questions within the induction phase and then rate their ability to answer unrelated questions within the post-induction phase. The second group is called the No Internet group which is not allowed to use the Internet to look up answers and must honestly answer questions within the induction phase using their own knowledge and then rate their ability to answer other questions concerning different topics within the post-induction phase. These ratings and duration on questions were collected and compared to participants' own question accuracy to quantify a relationship between perceived knowledge and Internet usage using Rstudio. Some limitations of this experiment are that the sample intended for this replication experiment is significantly smaller compared with the original experiment that was conducted. This experiment also places a heavy reliance on participant participation and honesty when answering questions and rating their ability to answer other questions.
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Original Experiment
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