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English /i-ɪ/ Perception and Production Tests

This set of tests is based on Saito (2013) and developed for Yaoyao Ruan's master's dissertation project: How does having a good ear and memory matter for successful second language phonological learning and teaching? An experimental study.

Teachers can use this set of tests to train or test EFL/ESL learners' abilities to preceive and produce the English tense vowel [i] and lax vowel [ɪ]. If used in research, it is recommended that the tests are performed in the order of spontaneous production, controlled production, and perception in order to prevent test takers from excessively focusing on form.

The instructions are in Chinese as Yaoyao's participants were native Mandarin learners of English.

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English /i-ɪ/ Controlled Production Test: Word Reading (Chinese)

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English /i-ɪ/ Perception Test: Two Alternative Forced Choice (Chinese)

Built with Task Builder 1

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English /i-ɪ/ Spontaneous Production Test: Picture Description (Chinese)

Built with Task Builder 1

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Preferred Citation Ruan, Y. (2022). How does having a good ear and memory matter for successful second language phonological learning and teaching? An experimental study.
Ruan, Y., & Saito, K. (2023). Communicative focus on phonetic form revisited: Less precise auditory processing limits instructed L2 speech learning. System, 103020.
Saito, K. (2013). The acquisitional value of recasts in instructed second language speech learning: Teaching the perception and production of English /ɹ/ to adult Japanese learners. Language Learning, 63, 499-529.
Published on 17 March 2023