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Value-Based Remembering and the Effects of Feedback


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Full Value-Based Memory Task with Feedback (Includes Consent and Assent)

Built with Experiment

This is the full children's version of our experiment which begins with parent/guardian consent form, brief demographics questionnaire, and child assent form. Once these forms were completed, participants were randomized into one of three conditions for the main task- memory feedback, points feedback, and no feedback- which are included as individual materials below. Participants were shown a series of elephants in either pink or blue with an acoompanying point value. If participants were later able to correctly remember whether each image was a girl in pink or a boy in blue, they would earn the number of points shown with that elephant. Participants were asked for a judgment of learning (JOL) after each presentation of a new elephant. During the test phase, participants were shown the elephants again as black line drawings and asked whether each had been blue or pink. Participants were then asked for a confidence judgement (CF). After giving their answer and CJ, participants in the memory group were given accuracy feedback (i.e., correct or incorrect), participants in the points group were given points earned feedback (e.g., 8 points , 0 points), and participants in the no feedback group saw a blank screen. The task included 36 trials over 3 study/test blocks. Participants received group-dependent feedback at the trial and block level. At the end of all three blocks, all participants saw both accuracy and point feedback. Following the task, participants finished an honesty check to ensure honest and effortful participation. The adult version of our study differed only in the absence of a child assent at the beginning of the study and the length of time to which the participant was initially exposed to the elephant image during the study phase (1500 ms for children, 1000 ms for adults).

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Memory Feedback Condition (Task Only)

Built with Task Builder 1

In this condition of the main task, participants received memory accuracy feedback at then end of each trial ('Correct' in green font or 'Incorrect' in red font) and at the end of each test block ('You got # out of 12 correct'). Participants received both memory accuracy feedback and points accumulated feedback at the end of the third and final test block.

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No Feedback Condition (Task Only)

Built with Task Builder 1

In this condition of the main task, participants did not receive any feedback on their accuracy or points accumulated at then end of each trial and block. Participants only received feedback (both accuracy and points) at the end of the third and final test block.

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Point Feedback Condition (Task Only)

Built with Task Builder 1

In this version of the main task, participants received points accumulated feedback at the end of each trial ('# points' in green font or '0 points' in red font) and at the end of each test block ('You have earned # out of 78 points). Participants received both memory accuracy and points accumulated feedback at the end of the third and final block.

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Preferred Citation Anquillare, E., & Selmeczy, D. (2023). Developmental Differences in Value-Based Remembering: The Role of Feedback and Metacognition. Developmental Psychology, 59(7), 1181–1189. https://doi.org/10.1037/dev0001539
Published on 05 August 2022