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Laterality Measures


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Complex Sequencing Task

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Simple Sequencing Midline Task

Built with Task Builder 1

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Simple Sequencing Task

Built with Task Builder 1

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

Parker, A. J., Woodhead, Z. V., Thompson, P. A., & Bishop, D. V. (2021a). Assessing the reliability of an online behavioural laterality battery: a pre-registered study. Laterality, 26(4), 359-397.

van der Haegen online

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Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

Van der Haegen, L., Cai, Q., Seurinck, R., & Brysbaert, M. (2011). Further fMRI validation of the visual half field technique as an indicator of language laterality: A large-group analysis. Neuropsychologia, 49(10), 2879-2888.


Fully open! Access by URL and searchable from the Open Materials search page

Conducted at University of Oxford
University of Lincoln
Published on 03 September 2021
Corresponding author Jack Grant University of Oxford