Participants were randomly assigned to a mood induction condition (happy, sad, neutral) where they watched 5 news clips of high, medium, or low valence (Samide et al 2019). The PANAS was used to assess mood after watching the videos. Participants then went into an online shop (Shop Builder) where they were tasked with buying a bottle of wine and a dessert to take to a dinner party. After checkout participants filled in a demographics questionnaire and the BIS-11.
Built with Experiment
Note: To clone this experiment, you need a Shop Builder license. You are free to clone, edit and preview the Shop Builder task below ('Gorilla Shop') without having a license.
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Questionnaire Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Task Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
GitHub for downloading Samide et al (2019) stimuli
Samide, R., Cooper, R.A. & Ritchey, M. A database of news videos for investigating the dynamics of emotion and memory. Behav Res 52, 1469–1479 (2020).
Built with Questionnaire Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Watson, D., Clark, L. A., & Tellegen, A. (1988). Development and validation of brief measures of positive and negative affect: the PANAS scales. Journal of personality and social psychology, 54(6), 1063.
What is the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule? (PANAS) - great website reviewing PANAS
Built with Task Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Shop Builder (This tool requires a feature license to use in an experiment)
Imagine you are going to a friends house for dinner. Three of your friends are going to be there (4 people in total) and you've been asked to bring dessert and a bottle of wine.
Please add items to your basket that you would most likely purchase if you were spending your own money.
You can buy additional items if you like, however you must choose at least 1 bottle of wine and 1 dessert.
Remember there's often more items on different pages. To explore, you click on the arrows next to page to move through the items.
Gorilla Open Materials Attribution-NonCommerical Research-Only
Built with Questionnaire Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Built with Questionnaire Builder 1
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Patton JH, Stanford MS, and Barratt ES (1995) Journal of Clinical Psychology, 51, 768-774. PubMed ID 8778124
International Society for Research on Impulsivity - BIS review
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