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English vocabulary assessments

These open materials consist of two measures for assessing English word knowledge on web-based testing platforms. The VST requires participants to pick the best definition of a given word from a set of four options; the WordFAM requires participants to indicate their familiarity with a set of words using a 7-point response scale. Both assessments sample English words across a wide range of lexical frequencies.

Web-based versions of the full paper-and-pencil assessments were validated by Drown et al. (Under review), who also developed two brief versions of each assessment, as described for each task below. Normative data and psychometric characteristics (e.g., split-half reliability, test-retest reliability, convergent validity) are provided in the preprint. The OSF repository for this manuscript (https://osf.io/pcsu6/) also provides trial-level data and analysis code for the validation testing.

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Vocabulary Size Test (VST)

Built with Task Builder 1

This is a web-based version of the VST developed by Paul Nation, which consists of 100 multiple-choice vocabulary questions presented in written format. On a given trial, participants are asked to pick the best definition of a provided English word from a set of four definitions. The English words sample a wide range of lexical frequencies.

This task contains three spreadsheets: VST-100, VST-BriefA, and VST-BriefB. VST-100 presents all 100 items on Form A of the original VST, available at https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/lals/about/staff/publications/paul-nation/VST-version-A.pdf. VST-BriefA and VST-BriefB present two brief assessments developed by Drown et al. (Under review) that each contain 42 items from the full assessment with a different subset presented in each of the two brief versions. In the normative sample, mean completion time was 11 minutes (SD = 4 minutes) for the full version and 5 minutes (SD = 3 minutes) for the brief versions.

A report describing validation testing (e.g., normative data, psychometric characteristics) for this web-based task (including the brief versions) is available at https://osf.io/pcsu6/. This repository also contains all trial-level data and analysis code for the validation testing.

Gorilla Open Materials Attribution-NonCommerical Research-Only

Nation (2012)

Drown, Giovannone, Pisoni, and Theodore (Under review)

Word Familiarity Test (WordFAM)

Built with Task Builder 1

This is a web-based version of the 150-trial WordFAM test developed by Pisoni and colleagues. In this task, listeners rate their familiarity with a set of English words using a 7-point scale. The words are sampled to reflect a wide range of lexical frequencies.

Three spreadsheets are provided. WordFAM-150 contains all 150 original items. WordFAM-BriefA and WordFAM-BriefB are the two brief versions of this assessment developed by Drown et al. (Under review). Each of the brief versions contains 72 items; novel subsets are presented across the two brief versions. In the normative sample, mean completion time was 7 minutes (SD = 4 minutes) for the full version and 3 minutes (SD = 1 minute) for the brief versions.

A report describing validation testing of this task (e.g., normative values, psychometric characteristics) is available at https://osf.io/pcsu6/. This repository also contains all trial-level data and analysis code for the validation testing.

Gorilla Open Materials Attribution-NonCommerical Research-Only

Nusbaum, Pisoni, and Davis (1984)

Lewellen, Goldinger, Pisoni, and Greene (1993)

Drown, Giovannone, Pisoni, and Theodore (Under review)


Fully open! Access by URL and searchable from the Open Materials search page

Preferred Citation Drown, Giovannone, Pisoni, & Theodore (Under review)
Conducted at University of Connecticut
Published on 16 June 2022
Corresponding author Dr Rachel M. Theodore Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
University of Connecticut
