The purpose of this task is to measure individual information processing abilities with regards to local and global perceptual stimuli. In this task, participants are presented a 60-trial global block and a 60-trial local block of the Navon task in a randomised order. For each trial, participants have to identify the shape of the figure (either overall figure or tiny figure) presented as fast as they can.
Built with Task Builder 1
This task measures how fast and accurate participants are in their global processing of stimuli figures.
This task comprises of 1 practice trial and 1 block of 60 trials. Participants are asked to identify the global figure (i.e. the overall shape) presented on the screen. 4 different shapes are each presented 15 times within the trial block in a randomized order. They are as follows:
Consistent shapes:
Inconsistent shapes:
The design of this task was adapted from the following citation: Caparos, S., Linnell, K. J., Bremner, A. J., de Fockert, J. W., & Davidoff, J. (2013). Do local and global perceptual biases tell us anything about local and global selective attention? Psychological Science, 24, 206-212. DOI: 10.1177/0956797612452569
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Caparos, S., Linnell, K. J., Bremner, A. J., de Fockert, J. W., & Davidoff, J. (2013). Do local and global perceptual biases tell us anything about local and global selective attention? Psychological Science, 24, 206-212. DOI: 10.1177/0956797612452569
Built with Task Builder 1
This task measures how fast and accurate participants are in their local processing of stimuli figures.
This task comprises of 1 practice trial and 1 block of 60 trials. Participants are asked to identify the local figure (i.e. the tiny shape) presented on the screen. 4 different shapes are each presented 15 times within the trial block in a randomized order. They are as follows:
Consistent shapes:
Inconsistent shapes:
The design of this task was adapted from the following citation: Caparos, S., Linnell, K. J., Bremner, A. J., de Fockert, J. W., & Davidoff, J. (2013). Do local and global perceptual biases tell us anything about local and global selective attention? Psychological Science, 24, 206-212. DOI: 10.1177/0956797612452569
Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Caparos, S., Linnell, K. J., Bremner, A. J., de Fockert, J. W., & Davidoff, J. (2013). Do local and global perceptual biases tell us anything about local and global selective attention? Psychological Science, 24, 206-212. DOI: 10.1177/0956797612452569
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