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Reward omission and racial bias

Task list

  1. Demographic survey (6 pages)
  2. Frustration Induction Task & a Control variant
  3. Brief Implicit Association Test
  4. Explicit Evaluations

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Demographic Survey

Built with Questionnaire Builder 1

19 items measuring Age, Income, Sex, Ethnicity, Ethnic Identity Strength, Religion, Religious Identity Strength, positions on Political statements, Political Affiliation

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

Frustration Induction Task (FIT)

Built with Task Builder 1

A 12 trial 'colour matching' task where participants are reinforced with "$$" along pre-determined intervals. Across the 'frustrated' iteration of the attached task, participants are penalized of all earnings. Mood checks (of subjective levels of Happiness, Optimism, Frustration and Anger) are implemented before and after reward omission trials.

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

Brief Implicit Association Test ~ White & Black male targets

Built with Task Builder 1

Four 20 trial blocks where White/Black faces have to be differentially categorized with Positive/Negative attributes using the 'd' and 'k' response keys (Srirarm & Greenwald, 2009).

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

The Chicago face database

The brief implicit association test

Explicit evaluations ~ White and Black male targets

Built with Task Builder 1

White and Black male targets from the Chicago Faces database (CFD-IDs: BM-230, BM-224, BM-233, BM-213, WM-220, WM243, WM-010, WM-019 - Ma, Correll, & Wittenbrink, 2015) are evaluated along four dimensions (TRUSTWORTHINESS, SUSPICION, DESIRE TO MEET, DESIRE TO AVOID) across 20 trials. Each evaluation is made along a 10-point scale, scored from 0 (Not at all) to 10 (Very much).

Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)

The Chicago faces database


Fully open! Access by URL and searchable from the Open Materials search page

Preferred Citation Amd, M. (2020). Preprint
Conducted at University of the South Pacific
Published on 02 September 2020