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Archived Release Notes

This page contains historical release notes from November 2016 to October 2020. For our most recent Release Notes, please check the new Release Notes page.

September Update BUILD 20201002

Gorilla Roadmap

This month marks the first of our Gorilla Roadmap releases. Features suggested by Gorilla Users, for Gorilla Users!

  • Task Builder: Audio recording filenames
    • Audio Recording files (as well as Video Recording, Mouse Tracking and Eye Tracking files) are now labelled with the participants Private ID.
  • Task Builder: Upload many spreadsheet with one file
    • Using a single .xlsx file, upload multiple spreadsheets to Gorilla. The sheet name in the file is used as the Spreadsheet name in Gorilla.
  • Questionnaire Builder: Folding questionnaire widgets
    • Questionnaire widgets can now be expanded/collapsed to facilitate easier construction of very large questionnaires.
  • Data: Include manipulations in metrics
    • Manipulations will now appear in the data download for each Task node.
  • Gorilla: Informative page titles
    • Window/Tab titles will now reflect the content of the page.

New Features

  • Task Builder: Reading Zone
    • Allow manual setting of font size in the reading zone.
  • Task Builder: Localisation
    • The text content of all Task Builder zones, including many error messages, can now be edited, allowing fuller localisation of Tasks.
  • Task Builder: Post-task uploading screen
    • When uploading task metrics and additional files at the end of task, Gorilla now presents an uploading screen. This is to prevent participants from thinking the page has crashed, by keeping them informed during loading stages.
  • Task Builder: Improved client side error logging
    • Increased usage of and improved quality of data returned by client side error reports. This will help us in resolving some rarer, harder to diagnose issues.
  • Task Builder: 'Download to Disk' option for Audio Recording zone
    • To facilitate collection of larger audio files, allow files to be downloaded to the participants harddrive and uploaded separatly via a third party. This allows for audio files longer than 2 mins to be collection. Make sure you set up the third party uploading and provide suitable instructions for the participants on how to use it.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Data Generation: Fixed issues where individual files and zip folders would fail to build! Huzzah!
  • Task Builder: Resolved issue where Reading Zone mask would spill into other lines.
  • Task Builder: Improved layout of Calibration zone content, to better fit smaller screen sizes.
  • Task Builder: Improved performance of Progress Bar when using large spreadsheets.
  • Task Builder: Improved performance of image rescaling when using the Screen Calibration zone.
  • Task Builder: Resolved issue where populating the Web Audio zone via Embedded Data would work incorrectly.
  • Task Builder: Resolved issue where populating the Video zone via Embedded Data would cause a 'Video missing error to appear'.
  • Questionnaire Builder: Fixed incorrect response indexing text for Checklist widget.
  • Questionnaire Builder: Fixed bug where Questionnaire builder would detect duplicate keys incorrectly, preventing changes from being committed.

Known issues

  • Task Builder: Stimuli loading and data uploading screens can't be localised. This will be resolved in a future update to Gorilla.

May Update BUILD 20200520

New Features

  • Task Builder: Video Feed Zone
    • New zone that allows a video feed from the webcam to be displayed to the participant, take snapshots, and to check that their webcam is enabled
  • Task Builder: Video Recording Zone
    • New zone that allows for video recording from the webcam
  • Task Builder: HTML Zone
    • New zone that allows for arbitrary HTML
  • Task Builder: Eyetracking Improvements
    • Safari support, optimised calibration, summary metrics, opt-in detailed metrics

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Improve Canvas Painting zone on touch devices
  • Task Builder: Audio Recording zone now defaults to native browser format (.weba) with mp3 transcoding an opt-in setting (existing Audio Recording zones will transcode by default as before)
  • Task Builder: Eyetracking now records the number of validation points which are considered failed (validation is closer to another point than the target one)
  • Task Builder: Eyetracking now allows for calibration to be retried if a certain number of validations fail
  • Task Builder: Eyetracking now defaults to 5-point calibration and summary metrics only, with detailed metrics an opt-in setting (existing Eye Tracking zones will use 9-point calibration and included detailed metrics as before)

April Update BUILD 20200409

New Features

  • New Dashboard
    • Reworked dashboard to make useful content more accessible
  • Task Builder: Web Audio Zone
    • New version of the Audio zone which uses the Web Audio API for better autoplay performance

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Make text scale better on smaller screens
  • Task Builder: Improve Canvas Painting zone on touch devices
  • Task Builder: Improve reliability of file uploads for recordings

February Update BUILD 20200220

New Features

  • Task Builder: Effort Button Zone
    • Button which must be pressed a fixed number of times to proceed
  • Task Builder: Actual Size option for Image zones
    • Image Zones can now be configured to always display at the actual size of the image
  • Experiment Builder: Custom recruitment emails
    • When using the Email Shot or Email ID recruitment policies, the initial email sent to participants can now be customised

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Improvements to Audio Recording zone, now back in Open Beta
  • Task Builder: Bring AAT zone to Open Beta

November Update BUILD 20191126

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Prevent collaborators from making changes to a task if they didn't open the original change
  • Task Builder: Update caching headers for uploaded stimuli
  • Task Builder: Record reaction onset for Text Entry (multi)
  • Task Builder: Move audio recording zone back into closed Beta
  • Experiment Builder: Optimise error checker to perform better for large and complex trees

October Update BUILD 20191022

New Features

  • Task Builder: Looping videos
    • Videos can now be configured to loop once triggered

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Response Button (Image) zones can now be configured to stay in their pressed state
  • Task Builder: Response Button (Image) zones and Response Button (Text) zones can now be configured to allow a single response but not advance the screen
  • Task Builder: Fixed issue where Advanced Settings would hide again when a setting was changed

September Update BUILD 20190924

New Features

  • Task Builder: Live spreadsheet editing
    • You can now modify your spreadsheets directly in the tool
  • Task Builder: Spreadsheet field highlighting
    • Display and stimuli names are highlighted, making it easy to spot typos and missing assets
  • Task Builder: Auto spreadsheet creation
    • When creating a new task, a spreadsheet will automatically be created if it is not yet present
  • Task Builder: Searchable stimuli page
    • Stimuli page is now searchable

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Experiment Builder: added ability to update all task and questionnaire nodes to their latest versions
  • Task Builder: added ability to bind numpad keys to keyboard response zones
  • Task Builder: improved stimuli upload flow
  • Task Builder: improved usability on touchscreens by disabling some unwanted interactions
  • Task Builder: fixed issue where a collaborator attempting to view an uncommitted task was redirected to the library
  • Task Builder: added failsafes to additional data file uploads (audio recordings, eyetracking data, painting zone data)

August Update BUILD 20190828

New Features

  • Height and Weight widgets in Questionaire Builder
    • New widgets which allow for height and weight entry
  • Mouse Response Zone
    • Task Builder Zone that allows for capturing left-click and right-click mouse responses
  • AAT (Approach Avoidance Zone) CLOSED BETA
    • Task Builder Zone that allows for AAT paradigms Get in touch if you would like access

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Improved participant progress modal for experiments that use Order nodes
  • New SCA-compliant checkout flow
  • Added ability for users to remove themselves from a project that they are collaborating on (unless they are the owner)

July Update BUILD 20190730

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added warning to recruitment screen if the experiment has an open change
  • Added warning to recruitment screen if recruitment is active but no changes have been made to the experiment
  • Display task ID on tree nodes
  • Make loading spinners more apparent, and log a metric if a task has been loading for more than 10 seconds
  • Added new task builder hooks
  • Performance Improvements

June Update BUILD 20190625

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Performance Improvements
  • Documentation Improvements

May Update BUILD 20190516

New Features

  • Painting Zone CLOSED BETA
    • New zone which allows participants to paint over an image in a variety of colours. Get in touch if you would like access
  • GDPR-compliant date picker for capturing ages
    • Questionnaire Date widget now has an option for storing the entered values as an age, and additionally storing the age in years and months only
  • Documentation loading optimisation
    • Documentation pages now load a lot faster

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added warnings when updating a task in the experiment tree to a new version and some manipulations no longer have valid values
  • Fixed display issue with citations on Open Materials pages
  • When uploading a spreadsheet in the Task Builder, only remove any unused columns if they are not used by any other spreadsheets

April Update BUILD 20190416

New Features

  • Open Materials BETA
    • Ability to publish tasks, questionnaires and experiments on a standalone page for others to preview and clone. Read more here
  • New version control storage system
    • Tasks, Questionnaires and Experiments now use a new versioned storage system that should provide much better performance, as well as enable new editor features in the future

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Purchasing: Fixed an issue with purchasing an Offer when using a VAT number

March Update BUILD 20190328

New Features

  • Reading Zone BETA
    • New Task Builder zone which progressively displays text (either as a sentence or one word at a time)
  • Gabor Patch Zone BETA
    • New Task Builder zone to display Gabor Patches
  • Calibration Zone BETA
    • New Task Builder zone to calculate visual degrees and pixels-to-cm
  • Audio Recording Zone
    • Out of Beta and now available to all users
  • Mouse Tracking Zone
    • Out of Beta and now available to all users

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Jump To Row now works with relative positions (e.g. move two rows back rather than move to row 2)
  • Task Builder: When using new Calibration Zone, can size images according to visual degrees or cm
  • Task Builder: Improve slider handle display on touchscreen devices and Firefox
  • Task Builder: Add mute option for YouTube API zone
  • Task Builder: Twitter zone now supports using embedded data in tweet text
  • Task Builder: Data output now shows spreadsheet row number
  • Task Builder: Mousetracking and Eyetracking data now include spreadsheet row number, so they can be matched against Task data
  • Tasks: Add Clone option to the Settings dropdown menu, allowing a Task, Questionnaire or Experiment to be cloned from its own page (rather than having to go Create -> Clone Existing -> ... from the Project page)
  • Subscriptions: Management page now shows expiry date
  • Purchases: Token purchases should now send a receipt

February Update BUILD 20190219

New Features

  • jsPsych Code Editor Template
    • Built in template for building jsPsych tasks in Gorilla
    • Tutorial here
  • Improved Task Builder Zone Picker UI
    • Zones are now divided into categories and use current iconography
  • Eye Tracking BETA
    • Performance and stability improvements
  • Audio Recording BETA
    • Add ability to play back recorded audio
    • Performance and stability improvements

If you would like to help us refine and improve any of the BETA features, please get in touch.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Added extra data fields to mousetracking and eyetracking output
  • Task Builder: Added an option to capture data from sliders every X seconds
  • Task Builder: Added a metric for the start position of the slider
  • Task Builder: Added an option for unlimited responses when using Image Response Buttons
  • Task Builder: MP3 transcoding now done in a Worker thread
  • Code Editor: New templates for basics and jsPsych
  • Questionnaire Builder: Added an option to require at least X checkboxes to be checked on a Checklist widget
  • Experient Builder: Added safety checks for Branch and Randomiser nodes to prevent branches with either blank or duplicate labels
  • General: Fixed an issue when attempting to clone a project with uncommitted tasks

January Update BUILD 20190122

New Features

  • Post to Social Media
    • Participants can post experiments to social media to aid recruitment
  • Eye Tracking BETA
    • Task Builder support for eyetracking using the participant's webcam
    • This uses the WebGazer library
  • Audio Recording BETA
    • Task Builder support for recording audio using the participant's microphone
  • Mouse Tracking BETA
    • Task Builder support for tracking the participant's mouse movements

If you would like to help us refine and improve any of the BETA features, please get in touch.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added zone to task builder to post a link to Facebook
  • Added zone to task builder to post a link to Twitter
  • Added ability to customise open graph tags for experiment recruitment pages
  • Fixed an issue where including already-included participants could result in the Experiment Recruitment Complete notification email being sent multiple times
  • Fixed an issue where participant progress modal would not display correctly for experiments with Order nodes
  • Fixed an issue in the Questionnaire Builder where Ranking widgets did not save to embedded data properly

December Update BUILD 20181213

New Features

  • Participant Progress Screen
    • Participant screen can now show an individual participant's progress through the experiment in a modal dialog
  • Contextual Help Emails
    • When performing certain actions for the first time (for example, launching an experiment or building data), Gorilla will send you an email with some updated help and support info

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added flags to prevent autocorrect, autocapitalisation and spellcheck on all Questionnaire and Task Builder text inputs
  • Added bindings for Backspace, Delete and Enter keys in Task Builder response keyboard zones
  • Improved recruitment progress summary on Recruitment screen to disambiguate between included and non-included Live participants
  • Improved autoplay detection and playback in Task Builder YouTube zone
  • Updated mobile device detection library to latest version
  • Fixed an issue where individual CSV files would open in Safari, rather than be prompted for download
  • Fixed an issue in Internet Explorer which sometimes prevented spreadsheets from being uploaded
  • Fixed an issue where available tokens were not always being calculated correctly when attempting to manually include participants

November Update BUILD 20181113

New Features

  • New Recruitment Screen
    • Recruitment screen now shows running totals of recruited participants and an attrition summary
  • CONSORT-style data on Data Screen
    • Data screen now shows CONSORT-style data on tree nodes
  • Short Form for Questionnaire Data
    • Added ability to build questionnaire data in short form (one row per participant)

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Teaching Tools: fix issue where module and assignment names and descriptions would get truncated if they were too long
  • Task Builder: add Early Exit button zone
  • Task Builder: add Keyboard Hold/Release zone
  • Task Builder: add Jump To Row zone
  • Experiment Builder: fix issue where Delay nodes weren't shown in orange

October Update BUILD 20181015

New Features

  • Quota Nodes
    • New tree node which allows a fixed number of participants through and respects attrition. If a participant who has passed through a quota node is subsequently rejected, the quota node will allow another participant through to take their place
  • Better handling of pre-uploaded participants
    • When using the Supervised, Email Shot or Email ID recruitment policies, newly uploaded participants have a new state Activated, which means that they are able to take part but have not yet logged in.
  • Research Now recruitment policy

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Referrals: Referrals are now done with a personalised link, rather than an email from Gorilla
  • Task Builder: Feedback Zones use a more robust approach for showing/hiding while maintaining layout
  • Experiment Builder: Switch Nodes now have labels to denote primary and secondary tasks
  • Experiment Builder: Added logic to detect where a data file is too big to build as XLSX, and revert to CSV instead

September Update BUILD 20181209

New Features

  • New experiment progress UI
    • Recruitment screen now has a progress bar and clearly shows when your experiment is recruiting, full and complete
  • New helper emails when starting experiments
    • When you set a recruitment policy for the first time, you will get an email with some useful hints for running your experiment successfully
  • New audio and video diagnostic tools in the Task Builder
    • Task Builder audio and video zones now detect many more eror states to help diagnose issues with audio and video playback

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: Response Slider can optionally start with the slider handle hidden
  • Task Builder: Response Slider can optionally require a response (participants must at least move it to progress)
  • Task Builder: Stimuli tab will now warn when non-recommended file types are uploaded

July Update BUILD 20180308

New Features

  • New Spreadsheet Format Options
    • Experiment Data can be built in XLSX and ODS, as well as CSV
    • Task Builder spreadsheets can be downloaded and uploaded in XLSX and ODS, as well as CSV
  • Redirect Node
    • Redirect node allows you to redirect participants to another site, and have them return to Gorilla later
  • Switch Node support in Questionnaires
    • Questionnaires can now be used with the Switch node, and have a new zone which displays a switch button

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Video zones now have an explicit muted option
  • Fixed issue where connection speed test didn't always return the correct speed

June Update BUILD 20180627

New Features

  • New Experiment Builder UI
    • Experiment builder now has quick-add buttons for each node type
    • Tree nodes can be cloned
    • New icons and graphical fixes
  • New Task Builder Templates
    • Several new templates added to Task Builder
    • Many zones now have sensible default values
  • Reject Node Improvements
    • Reject nodes now have the same array of settings as Finish nodes
    • When using MTurk recruitment policy, Reject nodes will no longer show a completion code by default

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Recruitment Screen: Added a button to automatically copy the link to the clipboard
  • Experiment Builder: Fixed an issue when deleting Order nodes or Switch nodes which would remove tethers from all task nodes
  • Code Editor: Fixed an issue where compiler would fail to link to a required Gorilla library file

May Update BUILD 20180508

New Features

  • Requirements Evaluation
    • Experiment requirements are now evaluated before a participant enters an experiment (and reserves a token)
  • New Participant Frontend
    • Cleaner UI
    • Contextual messages for participants who cannot log into an experiment (e.g. because experiment is full or they don't meet the requirements)
  • Participant Timeouts
    • You can now set a maximum amount of time for participants to take part in your experiment, after which they will automatically be rejected

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Task Builder: more flexibility for logging reaction times when using Response Text
  • Task Builder: improve cleanup when removing zones
  • Task Builder: added default values for Fixation zones
  • Task Builder: added ability to make passive response zones require a response before continuing
  • Task Builder: added ability for unlimited responses to be made with Keyboard zones

April Update BUILD 20180327

New Features

  • Hide-after-time for stimuli in the Task Builder
    • You can now configure Image, Text and Rich Text zones in the Task Builder to hide after a fixed period of time, allowing for more nuanced stimuli display rules
  • Filter participants by experiment version
    • You can now filter your experiment participant view by version
  • Mailing Lists
    • Added several new mailing lists with individual controls, allowing more control over which emails we send you

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Improved process by which signup emails are verified
  • Video zones are now created with autoplay disabled
  • Accounts can now be closed by users who no longer wish to have them

March Update BUILD 20180313

New Features

  • Referral Scheme
    • You can now refer friends and colleagues directly from Gorilla. When they sign up, both of you will receive 20 match funding tokens
  • Ranking Widget
    • Questionnaires now have a new ranking widget, which allows you to specify a list that your participants can rank in order
  • Participant Deletion
    • You can now delete participants from your studies. All of their data will be removed from our systems. Note that this operation is not reversible - use with care!

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Quantised values from questionnaires will now be saved in embedded data alongside the main response
  • Questionnaire Rating Scale / Likerts will now use a smaller font when they are configured to have long labels, in an effort to display better
  • Task Builder Response Buttons should now be more responsive on touchscreen devices

February Update BUILD 20180206

New Features

  • MTurk Recruitment Policy
    • Added a new recruitment policy for Amazon Mechanical Turk, which automatically shows a completion code
  • Qualtrics Recruitment Policy
    • Added a new recruitment policy for Qualtrics surveys, which automatically captures a participant's ResponseID when being redirected to Gorilla from a Qualtrics survey
  • Qualtrics Panel Recruitment Policy
    • Added a recrutiment policy specifically for Qualtrics Panels
  • Bulk Stimuli Deletion
    • In the Task Builder, you can now choose to delete all stimuli in one go

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Reworked recruitment policy selection screen
  • SONA recruitment policy will now automatically append PublicID as survey_code, without needing manual configuration
  • Gorilla now remembers which recruitment policy a participant was recruited under, and performs appropriate actions at the Finish node
  • For SONA and MTurk recruitment policies, Gorilla will automatically perform the appropriate action at the Finish node (appending PublicID, showing a completion code) unless explicitly disabled
  • Fixed an issue with cloning experiments that contain Repeat nodes or Order nodes

December Update BUILD 20171204

New Features

  • Switch Node
    • The Switch Node allows allows you to configure switching tasks
  • Questionnaire Builder Enhancements
    • Dropdowns, Radio buttons and Checklists can now optionally have an 'Other - please specify' option
    • New Mixed input type which allows a primary text response or an alternative fixed response
  • Video and Audio fixes
    • Video and Audio zones which are set to autoplay and which fail due to new rules in Safari 11 will now prompt the user to play them manually

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added ability to change zone names in the Task Builder
  • Participants who have completed an experiment with an onward URL who log in again will be redirected to the onward link
  • Improved Questionnaire Builder Preview scrolling
  • Improved audio and video loading on iOS

November Update BUILD 20171107

New Features

  • Repeat Node
    • The Repeat Node allows you to configure sections of your experiment to be repeated a fixed number of times
  • Delay Node Enhancements
    • The Delay Node has been enhanced to allow for timezone-aware day delays and the ability to send reminders to participants when it is time to resume the experiment
  • New Embedded YouTube Zone
    • New Task Builder zone for embedding YouTube videos which uses the YouTube API for a cleaner integration
  • Searchable Support
    • Support pages now have a search function

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Added ability to resend recruitment emails to participants at any time
  • Added ability in Task Builder scripts to generate spreadsheet once up front, making custom spreadsheet scripts easier
  • Added ability to specify colour for progress bar in Task Builder
  • Added ability to add browser type to requirements
  • Participant device type, OS and browser are now captured and included in metrics
  • Fixed issue when manually including live participants where the system would incorrectly report that the user didn't have enough tokens available
  • Fixed issue where Audio zones would not always preload properly

October Update BUILD 20170926

New Features

  • New Support Form
    • Support requests can now use a dedicated form to contact us, to allow for more streamlined support queries
  • Experiment Error Checking
    • We've enhanced the error checking for experiment trees, and now run it automatically when you commit, to prevent you from using a broken tree design. The new tool detects orphaned nodes, dead ends, branch nodes with no default branch and layouts which would cycle indefinitely.
  • Restore To Previous Version
    • You can now restore a previous version of a task, questionnaire or experiment to be the current version
  • All Participants have a PublicID
    • All participants now have an autogenerated PublicID, if one hasn't been specified in advance. This prevents situations in unblinded experiments where participants cannot be identified in downloaded data as they have a blank PublicID
  • Save Task Builder Response As Embedded Data
    • Responses in the task builder can now be saved as embedded data, mirroring the equivalent functionality for questionnaires (previously, only the total number of correct/incorrect answers could be saved). When enabled, the most recent response that a participant gives will be saved in their embedded data.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Experiment Previews now offer data downloads for all nodes, rather than just the most recent one
  • Added measures to prevent duplicate metrics in data downloads
  • Fixed issue when upload participants for Email Shot or Email ID recruitment policies where multiple participants could be uploaded with the same email address
  • Made PublicID a mandatory field for Email Shot participant uploads
  • Fixed issue where rejected participants weren't being finished correctly
  • Detect case where a participant gets stuck because a branch node they encoutered couldn't find a suitable branch, and show an error message
  • Setting a default branch in a branch node is now mandatory
  • Fixed issue in Task Builder tool where zone labels would extend beyond their zone, making it hard to click other nearby elements
  • In the Task Builder, moved Go To setting to own zone, rather than always being present on the screen
  • Added multiple enhancements to Bulk Subscription Management tools
  • Fixed issue in Task Builder tasks where use of Time Limit Section could break the Trial Number counting

August Update BUILD 20170809

New Features

  • Pay-per-participant
    • New pricing model that allows you to pay a small fee per participant. All existing users on Free accounts are now on Pay-per-participant accounts. All existing users on Code or Pro accounts are now on Unlimited accounts, which allow them to run an unlimited number of participants.
  • Recruitment Targets
    • You can now set a recruitment target for your experiment, and Gorilla will automatically stop accepting new participants once the target has been reached. Users on Unlimited accounts can still set their recruitment target to Unlimited, which will continue to accept participants until it is disabled.
  • Reject Nodes
    • You can now use Reject nodes in place of Finish nodes for situations where a participant should be rejected rather then continuing with the experiment. These can be used to screen out participants who don't meet your recruitment criteria. Rejected participants don't count towards your recruitment total.
  • New collaboration rules
    • You can now assign the ability to make changes to your experimental designs and the ability to download participant data separately. This means you can add collaborators who can make changes but cannot download data, or alternatively add collaborators who can download data but can't make changes to your experiments.
    • All projects now have an Owner, and anyone else on a project is now a Collaborator. Existing collaborators who had read/write or admin access have been set to be able to make changes and download data, and those with read access only continue to only have read access.

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Pay-per-participant account tier now has access to the Code Editor
  • New pricing offers both academic and commercial rates
  • Improved experiment recruitment section to show current state of Requirements
  • Improved experiment participant section to remove redundant debug filter, and add Included/Excluded filter alongside existing status filter
  • Improved My Account section, with new, clearer sections, ability to change your email address, and transaction history

July Update BUILD 20170623

New Features

  • Spreadsheet Manipulations
    • New property binding in the task builder that lets you use a manipulation to control which spreadsheet column to use
  • Counterbalance Nodes
    • You can now add counterbalance nodes to your experiment, which allow you to set one of a range of embedded data values to each participant without replacement
  • Descriptions
    • You can now add descriptions to your tasks, questionnaires, experiments and projects, to help you better organise your work

Fixes & Enhancements

  • Manipulations and Spreadsheet Manipulations now support the use of embedded data
  • Added a link to the samples in the header
  • Performance enhancements

June Update BUILD 20170526

New Features

  • Delay Node
    • New tree node that allows you to separate tasks and questionnaires in your experiments by a specific time interval
  • Experiment-wide metrics building
    • You can now build metrics for all nodes in your experiment at once, and download them as a single zip archive


  • Fixed an issue with CSV metric downloads that was preventing responses in unicode being displayed correctly
  • Fixed an issue in the Code Editor that caused errors when parsing an incomplete require() statement
  • Added better error handling to metrics building
  • Increased some upload limits that were preventing tasks with large numbers of spreadsheets saving properly

May Update BUILD 20170511

New Features

  • Experiment data time ranges
    • Experiment data generation can now be confined to a particular time range, allowing you to selectively include participant data within a range of dates
  • Time Limit (Section)
    • New task builder widget that allows you to limit the time spent across a range of trials. This can be used to create distractor tasks that are time limited, or control dosage for your task
  • Data upload robustness
    • Extra robustness has been added to metric uploading, including local storage and retries, to reduce potential for dropped metrics


  • Added option to text entry zones to calculate reaction time to first keypress
  • Added options to control how timed out responses are handled in the Task Builder
  • Fixed an issue with Feedback (Speed) zones where, in certain conditions, feedback would continue after a response was given
  • CSV files that use semicolons as separators now upload correctly

April Update BUILD 20170331

New Features

  • Background Report Generation
    • Experiment data generation is now done in the background, meaning that large reports can be built without requests timing out.
    • Small reports should be ready for download within a few seconds. For larger reports, you can request to be emailed when the report is ready. Once generated, a report can be downloaded by you and your collaborators.
  • Task Builder Branching
    • Screens in the Task Builder can now be set to advance to a named screen in the same display, rather than always advancing to the next screen.
    • Screens which have a correct answer set can advance to a different screen depending if the response was correct or incorrect.
  • Task Builder Progress Bar
    • There is a new Task Builder widget for displaying a progress bar, to show your participants how far through the task they are
  • Click Painting
    • There is a new Task Builder widget for capturing spatial input, where your participants are shown an image and can click anywhere on it. The coordinates of where they clicked are then recorded as part of the response.
  • Audio Feedback
    • There is a new Task Builder widget for playing audio feedback, depending on whether the participant's response was correct or incorrect.
  • Time Limit
    • There is a new Task Builder widget called Time Limit, which replaces the existing Auto Advance functionality and adds the ability to show the number of seconds remaining.
    • Existing Auto Advance settings will still work, but new tasks should use Time Limit instead.
    • You can elect not to show the remaining time, which makes the new Time Limit behave identically to the old Auto Advance.
  • Custom Feedback Images
    • Feedback (Accuracy) zones can now be given custom images to display, instead of the default green tick and red cross.
  • Feedback Honesty
    • You can now give Feedback (Accuracy) zones a percentage chance to give dishonest feedback. You can use this to implement probabalistic learning paradigms.
  • Checkpoint Node
    • There is a new Experiment Tree node called Checkpoint, which updates the participant's status to show the most recent checkpoint they passed through. The most recent checkpoint is shown on the Participants screen, and all checkpoints passed will be come through in metrics data.


  • Added ability in Task Builder for Likert inputs to be one-click-only (thus making them an active response)
  • Added ability in My Account screen to disable emails for particular channels
  • Tree Node key is now shown on the experiment tree
  • Changed name of Response Paragraph (Text) and Response Paragraph (Rich Text) to Response Button Paragraph (Text) and Response Button Paragraph (Rich Text) respectively
  • Fixed issue where Task Builder would scroll/bounce on iOS devices

March Update BUILD 20170306

New Features

  • Updated Support
    • We have spent much of the last month improving our support and documentation.
    • There is now a brand new Support page, and many more sample tasks and experiments for you to explore!


  • Added ability in Task Builder for image buttons to have a hover and pressed image, and added option to disable border
  • Added ability in Task Builder for Go/NoGo widgets to have an additional image to use for the wait time, rather than a fixation
  • Fixed issues where updating all nodes in a tree to a new version didn't work correctly
  • Fixed issue in Task Builder where passive responses didn't store embedded data correctly
  • Fixed some issues around uploading a new version of a stimuli asset that had previously been deleted
  • Fixed issue where search text in Code Editor was white (and so invisible)
  • Fixed issue where pressing Ctrl-Z immediately after opening a file in the Code Editor would empty the buffer
  • Fixed issue in Task Builder keyboard responses where symbol keys (e.g. \ or ?) wouldn't be bound correctly

February Update BUILD 20170202

New Features

  • New Code Editor BETA
    • There is a new Code Editor available, with better syntax highlighting, auto-completion, function signature highlighting and compiler output
    • It is being released as a Beta feature, meaning there are a few fixes we still need to do, but we'd love you to try it out!
  • Performance Data in Experiment Tree
    • Task Builder tasks can now count correct responses and percentage accuracy and store them as embedded data, which can then be used in Branch Nodes in the Experiment Tree
    • You can use this to create experimental designs which branch dynamically according to participant ability or to check that participants have understood the instructions


  • Make screens viewable in Task Builder without needing to Edit first
  • New Text Entry widget in Task Builder, which uses Enter key to record a response and works with Feedback widgets
  • New Response Paragraph widgets in Task Builder, which allow you to detect clicks on blocks of text
  • Added button to show zone names in Task Builder
  • Added ability to pick from Sample Projects when picking a task or questionnaire to clone
  • Added tree node key, task name and task version to metrics
  • Embedded data can be displayed in Task Builder and Questionnaires
  • Fixed issue where deleted assets would result in older versions being provided
  • Branch nodes can use 'not equals' condition
  • Randomiser tree nodes now show their randomisation mode in the tree
  • Improved accuracy of Speed Test requirements

January Update BUILD 20170109

New Features

  • Larger Trees
    • The Experiment Tree editor now supports a larger canvas, giving you more space to build your experiment
  • Script Load Order
    • You can now re-order your scripts in the Code Editor, giving you control over the order in which they are loaded
  • Generic Resource File Types
    • The Code Editor now allows you to upload any file type as a Resource, giving you more freedom to include custom libraries and tools


  • Fixed an issue where archived tasks were being shown in the task picker when adding a task node to an experiment tree
  • Fixed an issue where tasks without a first commit were being shown in the task picker when adding a task to an experiment tree
  • Added ability to bind arrow keys to keyboard response options in the Task Builder
  • Added ability to update all task nodes in a tree that use the same task to a new version
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing geolocation requirement from working properly
  • Altered connection speed test to use an average of several attempts to give more reliable results
  • Added ability in Task Builder to unset a setting
  • Fixed styling on Rating Scale/Likert widget in Task Builder to better handle long labels
  • Fixed issue in branching experiments that was preventing order nodes from working properly
  • Fixed issue where new spreadsheet columns weren't coming through in metrics in the Task Builder
  • Fixed issue where scroll position wasn't reset when moving between questionnaire pages

December Update BUILD 20161129

New Features

  • Sample Projects
    • There is a new section in the Dashboard for Sample Projects, which contain a variety of tasks, questionnaires and experiments for both reference and to use as starting points for your own work
  • Project cloning
    • You can now clone and rename whole projects
  • Multi-page questionnaires
    • You can now spread your questionnaires over multiple pages by adding Page Breaks, and optionally allow your participants to backtrack to previous pages.
  • End-of-Preview screen
    • A screen is now shown at the end of Previews to allow you to download your preview data before returning to the editor.


  • Fixed issue that was preventing CSV files from download properly in Internet Explorer / Edge
  • Added support for different character sets when uploading CSV files
  • Added support to transparently load tab-seperated CSV files
  • Fixed issue where archived tasks still appears in the dialog when adding a task to an experiment
  • Various database query optimisations
  • Markdown is now referred to as Rich Text
  • Fixed issue in Task Builder where user-supplied spreadsheet columns that were subsequently used in widgets weren't being cleaned up properly
  • Fixed issue in Experiment Requirements where the wrong settings fields were being populated

November Update BUILD 20161108

New Features

  • Go/NoGo in Task Builder
    • Easily implement Go/NoGo tasks with a dedicated screen zone type
  • Resources in Code Editor
    • Host your own third-party libraries or other resources on Gorilla


  • Fix issue when renaming spreadsheets in Task Builder where manipulations would still show old spreadsheet name
  • Add pagination to Task Builder and Code Editor stimuli pages
  • Add trial numbers in Task Builder task metrics